Available for Download
Pick a Level
- Surds
- Basic surds
- Rationalization of surds
- Logarithm
- Logarithm rules
- Application of Log rules
- Quadratic equations
- Completing squares
Multiple choice
- 10 questions per Level
- Work-out the problem
- Then tap the right choice
Take a Hint
- Take Hints along the way
- Easy to teach yourself
- Full-explanation
- Elaborate explanations
- Teach yourself from zero
- Also ideal for revision
More Games
- Factorization
- Completing the square
- Real roots
- Complex roots
- Quadratic formula
- Real roots
- Complex roots
- Simple drag and drop
- Compose your working
- Take Hints if stuck
Take a Hint
- Take Hints along the way
- Teach yourself even from zero
- Watch some video steps